Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The creative process; slightly less illustrated, now more illustrated

In the afternoon session, immediately following the lecture on how ideas are conceptualised and then applied, we were tasked with illustrating our own creative process; how we come up with ideas and tackle briefs and projects.

While turning our processes into pictures was fun, and looking at one another's was insightful; the final product I created was, crude... both in presentation and execution... and perhaps this post will be amended in the future with a version that is more appropriate for showing, or a whole new post created all together where the improvements can be seen, but for now it's best left without the visual accompaniment.

However, this doesn't mean nothing was gained from the exercise. The recognition of dread in starting a new project, and how this can be used as motivating force rather than an inhibiting one, as well as recognising where perhaps other people's techniques could be used to enhance my own (such as more closely integrating the primary and secondary research, rather than conducting them on their own, independently of one another), were enlightening and overall, lead to a little more insight into what we all do, and how we all do it.

 Well it appears I need to have my creative process actually on here now. So lets do this hooper-scotch! 

Here it is! In all of its.... glorious glory....

About Me

I was told to make a blog, for university, and people took this very seriously. And I'm not saying that I haven't (or that there's anything wrong with serious) but I think the best work is made when you are having fun and enjoying what you do. So I'm going to make this enjoyable; both for me and those who end up reading it. And what's more fun than being corporate?! Wait. That doesn't sound correct at all. No matter! I've turned this blog (and myself!) into a brand! A company! An idea... and as batman always says, ideas can't be killed. (But I can please don't kill me) Wow. I am getting sidetracked. Fun! Excitement! Intrigue... These are some of the things you may or may not find here. Because it's mostly going to be graphics work. And writings, about graphics work. Probably both... But I've been known to do what I please. I'm a maverick, a loose cannon. You don't know what I'm going to do next. Probably some really good work. I ran out of things to say about 2 paragraphs ago, what are you still doing here? You should really be looking at all my academic work, it’s much more impressive and interesting than, whatever this is.