While turning our processes into pictures was fun, and looking at one another's was insightful; the final product I created was, crude... both in presentation and execution... and perhaps this post will be amended in the future with a version that is more appropriate for showing, or a whole new post created all together where the improvements can be seen, but for now it's best left without the visual accompaniment.
However, this doesn't mean nothing was gained from the exercise. The recognition of dread in starting a new project, and how this can be used as motivating force rather than an inhibiting one, as well as recognising where perhaps other people's techniques could be used to enhance my own (such as more closely integrating the primary and secondary research, rather than conducting them on their own, independently of one another), were enlightening and overall, lead to a little more insight into what we all do, and how we all do it.
Well it appears I need to have my creative process actually on here now. So lets do this hooper-scotch!
Here it is! In all of its.... glorious glory....